to me about the world of the river, is about something exciting capitals.
is obviously difficult to compare this series of books with the Lord of the Rings (much more popular) because the concepts are different environments, situations, etc ...
But if in some respects can be compared both literary works and even works on three levels: its epic grandeur, his passionate sense of adventure and charisma of its characters.
This telefilm is a shit, I tell you beforehand. But before we analyze briefly and Asquith, speak so that you have references to the world of the river, original literary format. Philip Jose Farmer
published the first book in the series, To Your Scattered Bodies in 1971, then its sequel, The Fabulous Riverboat in the same year, and the third and final volume of the trilogy of novels, because of its large length, was divided into two parts entitled The dark plan published in 1977 and the magical labyrinth in 1980. Concluding the series.
River Gods in the world was published in 1983 and indeed continues the magical action of the labyrinth. The writer had planned to end the plot was the third novel in design, the dark magic labyrinth, but gave his characters around in his head, he came new ideas, or frames that could still be better met, and decided to write this novel, which I define as more of an epilogue.
there a book more, but are compilations of short stories.
Well, the plot, without revealing spoilers unnecessary, because if you give him a chance this series of books (who deserve to spare, I assure you) I want you to enjoy it 100%, is summarized as follows .. .
At a future time is assumed that all mankind is dead and the human species is extinct.
If you stop to think, at this present time, before we lived and died millions of human beings: the Romans, Vikings, prehistoric Aztecs, etc ... What you imagine trying to say is that ALL human beings who have lived before us together, but we are now, but who will be in the future and as we die, do not know.
The past generations, present and future all together raised a huge artificial world located somewhere in the universe and the world is divided equatorially by a huge river.
This river has different widths in accordance with parts of that world, to be quite close to be as wide as a lake and has a maximum depth of 2 kmts, about 1.5 miles.
The longitude of the river is wild, as 10 million miles, something like 16 million kilometers. If we consider that our planet Ecuador has 40076 miles in circumference, with a rule of thumb, that planet terraformed where that river is 400 times bigger than Earth.
The river is located in a valley, so it is flanked on either side by two mountain ranges that have the same longitude and make "screens or walls" for humans not leave the vicinity of river.
These mountain ranges are higher than the Himalayas, which are almost impossible to climb.
habitable areas of the river within the valley, have in its widest a longitude of 9 miles, some 15 kilometers. About 7 on each side of river.
There are lots of vegetation and plants, but animals are limited to worms in the soil and fish in the stream. In the world of the river there are no seasons and the weather is always pleasant and the same all the time.
Thousands and thousands of millions of human beings of all eras and civilizations past, present and future are raised at the same time but completely blended throughout the huge river. They are the Maya with the Maya, or the Visigoths under the Visigoths, but the whole world is turned into a chaos of cultures and civilizations. Everyone
resurrected at the same time (often mess) and the same age: 25 years. No matter if you had died with 90 years or 3 years old. All raised the same age, with the physical that would at that age, and without any kind of disease or infirmity.
A man of 90 years will rise with the body of 25, while retaining all their memories and knowledge. However, if a child died at 5 years, will rise with the body of man who had been at age 25, but with the mind of a child 5 years later will mature over the years.
Everyone is born sterile: you can not breed in the world of river. Sex yes, but no babys.
All are immortal, literally. You can live almost forever, about 1000 years, but you can die like any normal human being, killed, drowned by accident, etc ... When one dies is resurrected in a new point of the river, completely random.
Every human has a limit of about a thousand resurrections, after which we can no longer regenerate your body and mind. Using numbers, a thousand lives a thousand years for a total of a million years that all humans can coexist in the world of river.
Questions can be ... Who created or terraformed the planet in the world of the river? For what purpose has risen to the entire human species?
But beyond these exciting questions, just the scope of powers of gods, is that using logic, en el mundo del rio raised all the great figures of history.
In some part will be Picasso, Dali, Hitler, Franco, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Gandhi, Buddha, Jack gutted it, Alexander the Great, Attila, Cervantes, Bruce Lee, Charlton Heston, Rockefeller, Mao, John Lennon, James Dean , Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, etc. ...
The list of artists, politicians, religious, guerreros, athletes, soldiers, philosophers, singers, leaders, inventors, geniuses, etc. ... is endless.
Al resurrect all ello, sus due to powerful and influential personalities llena determination, influence, act as the dirigirán human social masses of the river, forming regions, factions, ideologies, etc ... Same
Richard Coeur de Lion makes friends with Genghis Khan and they are the leaders of a warring faction in a river. O Nikola Tesla is the scientific advisor of Queen Cleopatra, which in turn is his trusted general and his armies to the Cid, Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, one of the most famous warriors in the history of Spain. Or for example
Leonidas of Sparta has the general of his armies to William Wallace, the fierce warrior Scot, who in turn has as a lover of Marilyn Monroe.
or Robin Hood is the protector of Aristotle, who traveled with Kennedy to go to River area controlled by Rasputin, which influences the governor Pablo Escobar (the famous Colombian narco), whose right hand the Inquisitor Torquemada, and have captured Lenin.
These are only examples ravings mine feasible within the logic and rules of the river in the world.
But Mr. Farmer does not disappoint in his novels. Given the great possibilities raised by the idea, develops a story of adventure, war, research and discoveries, really exciting.
keep talking and not more than books, I leave the choice of who has not read, you can get and enjoy. Worthwhile.
This film is the world's river, but it is not ... Let me explain.
There is a basis of the books within the film, but the balls go through the novels and make up the frames, pull rabbits from a hat, and the end result is a telefilm slow, poor and without many attractions.
As telefilm is really Light, but the end result is based on the books UNFORTUNATELY BAD.
conclude by reflecting: The Bourne Identity.
Robert Ludlum wrote the novel in 1980, and became an adaptation starring Richard Chamberlain, in 1988. This adaptation was pretty pastels and went unnoticed. Does anyone remember it? But in 2002 Matt Damon starred in the film that was sensational first part of a great trilogy of films about the spy Jason Bourne.
My point is that the book made for a passable TV movie in 1988 and 14 years later, with the same literary base material, a film was made sensational espionage.
That same thing can happen with this TV movie of the world's river. Litarario The base material is very good, and this has resulted in rubbish in 2003. Just one, two or three decades, adapting novels like god in three films, as was done with The Lord of the rings, and are amazing.
if not ask too .... Sic ... But dreaming is free ...
Names in other countries:
نهر عالم
Река свят
河 世界
Reka Svět
Floda Verden
Riviera Wereld
Joen maailman
monde de fleuve
κόσμος ποταμών
נהר בעולם
विश्व नदी
Current world
mondo del fiume 川 の 世界
강 세계
Elven Verden
Rzeka świata
mundo do rio
Raul lumi
мир реки
โลก แม่น้ำ
Nehir dünya
Egi pokol
Planeta das Almas
Il popolo del fiume
world without end
le monde de l'éternité

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