Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How To Open Inova Microlight

transcendental anthropology emphasizes the congruence methodical Polyana theme?

Because the human person as transcendental philosophy is intellectually Polo consistent. Methodical

-themed means "intellectual ."

the intelligible staff is one of four personal transcendental, which makes the person.

"Consistency" or "convenience dynamic" in the human person, his intellectual activity, dual at its root. Indeed, the intelligible dualized personal or unfolded by the habit innate wisdom.

Wisdom is the transparent clarity of personal intellection.

intellectual activity is peculiar, "also", which is best for the individual.

wisdom maintains an indivisible solidarity with the intelligible staff.
The person (Anthropology transcendental) is also.
His method (mental activity) is also.
Its subject (the individual) is also provided.

staff is thus the intelligible maximally consistent.

Jorge speaks of this Mario Posada "Congruence methodical transcendental subject of anthropology." Studia Polyana 10, p. 119

On wisdom: Label ........................... 2.14
On the Intelligible personal ... 5.5.2 Label ...........
On the congruence: Tag 2.11.1 ......................
-On Method Topic: Tag 2.11.0



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