A GARBAGE ... "Film?
With plenty of footage of the fourth film shamelessly repeated, but a lot of outtakes, got this monstrosity awful, revolting and without rhyme or reason.
is hard to believe that the fourth and fifth film in the series Trancers were conceived as two movies that were filmed at the same time, as was the Matrix 2 and 3, but not flip.
This fifth film, does not happen at the height of the bitumen to the room, nor is it to be wonderful.
A maneuver indiscriminate commercial exploitation of the Trancers saga, horrible, indigestible, painful. NO
you see her.
Now I go to another topic ...
These days I have made many posts, or comments like these films very quickly (make it easy on me how bad they are) because my wife's father is dying, and as you'll understand what I stand beside her.
are not easy times, and the issue at all is a joke: I wish it were.
my wife's father, Mr Ronnie, has 62 years and a knee surgery. Total had back pain and leg and was told it was because of excessive compression of the nerves running down the spine.
other words, the solution was to remove the compression, make room for the nerves are more free, and thus eliminate the aches and pains.
Something like my father did years ago, and was perfect and recovered very quickly. Total
that this man had surgery a few days ago the spine, delicate operation, and after she had tremendous pain, and the day after I could not pee. Total
that they stuck a tube by the whistle, so he could urinate. Then they saw the test that his kidneys were not functioning properly, so they were going to do an MRI to see how the operation. Total
between bells and whistles that have taken two days to make the resonance, basically because of the stubbornness of my father. He assumed he was wrong, because the doctors had operated poorly. Resonances but did not want to be changed from hospital.
But then worsened overnight the barbaric. They put him in ICU, intensive care, and a letter was white, no color on your lips, cold as death (he touched his cold hands) and babbled incoherently. Total
you have the resonance and the operation is good. What is wrong is his stomach, few days has developed a huge abscess in the same, which collapsed his kidneys and liver. That was why he could not urinate.
Today, this morning, I had emergency surgery to remove the abscess and cleaning their internal organs of pus, and see the extent of their injuries. A doctor is not at all optimistic and sees difficult to survive.
is ironic. The doctor sends you to operate you will not hurt your back, and goes and you die in the hospital.
Right now I'm going back to the hospital, spend the evening with my wife, mother, aunts, etc ...
Excuse me if I have not been posted many films, but the thing is serious, first things first: my wife and family.
Do not worry that anything I leave my work on the blog, but that as you develop these weeks to go until you see how your answer to everything, for better or for worse.
Thank you for your understanding and many greetings to you all.
With plenty of footage of the fourth film shamelessly repeated, but a lot of outtakes, got this monstrosity awful, revolting and without rhyme or reason.
is hard to believe that the fourth and fifth film in the series Trancers were conceived as two movies that were filmed at the same time, as was the Matrix 2 and 3, but not flip.
This fifth film, does not happen at the height of the bitumen to the room, nor is it to be wonderful.
A maneuver indiscriminate commercial exploitation of the Trancers saga, horrible, indigestible, painful. NO
you see her.
Now I go to another topic ...
These days I have made many posts, or comments like these films very quickly (make it easy on me how bad they are) because my wife's father is dying, and as you'll understand what I stand beside her.
are not easy times, and the issue at all is a joke: I wish it were.
my wife's father, Mr Ronnie, has 62 years and a knee surgery. Total had back pain and leg and was told it was because of excessive compression of the nerves running down the spine.
other words, the solution was to remove the compression, make room for the nerves are more free, and thus eliminate the aches and pains.
Something like my father did years ago, and was perfect and recovered very quickly. Total
that this man had surgery a few days ago the spine, delicate operation, and after she had tremendous pain, and the day after I could not pee. Total
that they stuck a tube by the whistle, so he could urinate. Then they saw the test that his kidneys were not functioning properly, so they were going to do an MRI to see how the operation. Total
between bells and whistles that have taken two days to make the resonance, basically because of the stubbornness of my father. He assumed he was wrong, because the doctors had operated poorly. Resonances but did not want to be changed from hospital.
But then worsened overnight the barbaric. They put him in ICU, intensive care, and a letter was white, no color on your lips, cold as death (he touched his cold hands) and babbled incoherently. Total
you have the resonance and the operation is good. What is wrong is his stomach, few days has developed a huge abscess in the same, which collapsed his kidneys and liver. That was why he could not urinate.
Today, this morning, I had emergency surgery to remove the abscess and cleaning their internal organs of pus, and see the extent of their injuries. A doctor is not at all optimistic and sees difficult to survive.
is ironic. The doctor sends you to operate you will not hurt your back, and goes and you die in the hospital.
Right now I'm going back to the hospital, spend the evening with my wife, mother, aunts, etc ...
Excuse me if I have not been posted many films, but the thing is serious, first things first: my wife and family.
Do not worry that anything I leave my work on the blog, but that as you develop these weeks to go until you see how your answer to everything, for better or for worse.
Thank you for your understanding and many greetings to you all.
Names in other countries: Guardians of the future
Cop Tronic 5 5 5
Future Cops Delejezettek 5
O Exterminador do Século 23 to 5
Tuhon lähettiläät 5
Un poliziotto del futuro 5
2300 movie Runaway
5 5
5 Toransazu
5 Трансеры
5 트랜서
5 أخرى أسماء

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