childhood, which saw the cover of the film with the monstrous head, and that in an isolated gas station was a monster killing one by one human that I was convencidísimo that movie was the sequel the immortal classic by John Carpenter. Total
one day I rented it and watched, and I thought a fiasco impressive.
But I recently I have never seen, to compare my impressions of decades ago, and if it was successful or not.
The film goes in a petrol station in not drilling where oil and get a bug that bites a worker in the arm. This means that there are creatures that can survive in the dense oil. ¿? Surprisingly
the bug (see photo 1) has the appearance of an Alien chestbuster (of which go by the chest) but with little arms. Hahahahaha ... Total
then the shit they get from under the sea there are some species of oysters ... ¿? (See photo 2) and molluscs fermented oil, I say this hatch, and out a bug bastard (see photo 3) which seems an alien as an adult but miniature.
But make no mistake with the little monster, is capable of killing and how to make your move from getting into a girl, who gave birth to a huge bug in it.
But this is not Alien: a well did not reach the budget. So in a scene that left me freaking out (you can recreate at home with a home camera and a light bulb) the monster ... Sale inside the woman! Take that!
Basically the actress is lying on the floor face up. Next to her, just to the right, lying monster disguised actor. It applies to women an intense red light (see photo 4) and both its shadow does not see the actor. Then come the climax, the actor gets up and appears to be coming from inside the woman, in a visual effect as unreal as ineffective. What a turd.
And the big monster is overpowering staff at the petrol station, and charging to the rock, and finally decide to set a trap at the top of the oil rig.
mother nature is amazing, but the monster knows the stairs of the tower as he takes a taxi. Incredible. To be a being who came from oysters buried beneath the earth tens of thousands of years, the guy that you shit Espabila.
The monster is alien? I think not. "Prehistoric? probable. Under the ocean floor and oil in a bag still strange beings forgotten by time, able to attack deadly to humans. Have I been good this last sentence? Hahahahaha ...
In short, a mess that does not copy the thing (which I were thinking of the child) but is a clumsy and vulgar copy of Alien and monsters, placing the action in a petrol station in the middle of the sea.
a mess without much interest. Almost perfectly bland forgettable television movie. Term
commenting descojonante photo scene 5. The actor dressed as a monster climb the ladder of the tower oil. If you look closely at it, see it goes scared shitless and slow. Looks and looked again every time you step by step.
"I shit on the mother who bore me. I see this crap in a suit over. The makeup fucking left me almost blind, pussy. What you have to make some to bring a dish of food at home. .. Wait . wait ... I noticed the foot another step. I will put the leg on carefully lest I go to hell ... "
hahahahahahahaha ...
Names in other countries:
terrorists come dal passato Il
Le monstre des profondeurs
Targoor - Reise ins Grauen
The Lucifer Rig
映画 深海 から の 侵略 者 サラマンダ
the monster that came from the sea
طفيلية من الداخل
Досадник в рамките
内 入侵者
Vetřelec v Ramco
Indbruds inden
indringer Binnen
sisällä tehdään
εισβολέας μέσα
פורץ תוך
के भीतर घुसपैठिया
beluli betolakodó
An attacker within 中 侵入 者
intrus in cadrul
нарушитель внутри

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