received a long- emai from a friend and follower of this blog exposing the question of whether this film, Canino, had something to do with the Mexican film The Castle of Purity.
My answer is yes, a lot. This is a new version - remake or homage of Mexican film made in ... Greece!
amazing thing the issue is that the film has competed for the Oscar for best foreign film in 2011. And that's not all: the film won awards at the Cannes, Montreal and Dublin.
should not detract from the merit of this film, which is a lot. Far from being a mechanical copy of the original Mexican version is filled with personality and many balls.
But I think there must be objective when ... What came first, the chicken or the egg?
Read this reflection of mine who has quite sensibly. The story actually happened (I explained in the review of The Castle of Purity) and is AWESOME. Whether that alone should be sufficient to inspiring movies.
Therefore, one would think that Dogtooth is directly based on the true story, and I think not. Why? In real history had five children at home, and the Mexican film two girls and a boy. This Greek film is like the Mexican one son and two sisters. Coincidence?
This film is posed differently. Instead of the father in the neighborhood sell rat poison in secret, in this film the father is the manager of a factory located on the outskirts of a city. This is a man of great economic position does not require their children to work.
The children and mother live in a huge mansion fenced in the countryside, out of nowhere, which one easily accessed.
real In the original story a brother and sister incest maintained, which was shown in the Mexican film, taking into account the strict limits of 70 sensors.
Greek Instead this film wants to go further and for this, and not raise unnecessary controversy, there is incest, but instead all the sons and daughters are now adults, adults and not children.
The boy, already a big man is a hurricane of testosterone, so the parent understands that you have to cover their sexual urges as natural. Thereby allowing access from time to time monitor of factory workers to his mansion to have sex with her son.
She voluntarily prostitute themselves in exchange for favors and money in the company.
But the movie considers the component schizophrenic lunatic, and shows us a father who is mentally ill (as in the Mexican film and true story). But in this case, his madness is transferred to their children who are upset because of the isolation and the tight parental control for years and years.
The son has sex with his sisters, these in turn are lesbians and on the other hand, the tyrannical father has incestuous relations with one of his daughters.
Madness in the Mansion is multiplied three powerful additives.
One, the father teaches a different vocabulary to children. The pope said that the chairs are called Tues "I'm going to sit on the sea" or that the margaritas are zombies. "How beautiful are these zombies that are in the meadow" Dementia, right? The pun of the film, in that sense, it is unsettling, increased the sense of folly and unreality in the house.
Another additive is the punishment of the father. The viejote acts in an ultra-violent with their children. FLI-PAN-ET.
The third additive is as torture itself, the children at such a crazed and stressed panorma. Scrotumtightening scene of the scale in the bathroom.
Not only that, the film bet for crude and dirty realism, that more than one rate of obscene and unnecessary.
The father shows his genitals in a natural way. Who would not at home sitting on the couch with the balls in the air with his girlfriend or wife, who has her naked body next to her, while watching TV?
That's realism. People (when they have children or children) walk naked through the house. Van said the bedroom to the naked. When couples fuck or fucking, they sleep naked, and do not get up at midnight (as in a hundred thousand American films) and tapaditos dressed to the neck. What greater pleasure is to embrace and feel naked skin, the heat and smell of the woman you love, with your own body?
actresses show their pubes and genitals, and in one scene very powerful (some say porn) actress pulls the actor-brother, and we see his real erection. In the same sequence, without cutting plans, the actor and member spliced \u200b\u200btough (in a visible and obvious) is located on her sister-actress, with whom he copulates (hell, look like a talking cure. Nor do I remember that there was word copulation).
My question (seriously) is whether the two actors simulating sex or fuck of truth (would not surprise me the least and seeing the whole scene in focus. I hope to comment on it as a survey). POWERFUL
All that sexual charge of the film: naked sex scenes, real masturbation, incest, lesbianism, gore (look at the scene of the cat), etc ... reminds me of an egg, the irreverent and visceral film by Cuban Jorge Molina.
is nice to see that Cuba not only makes movies with balls, but also in Greece. At this time of censorship and inquisitors (now turns out that Angel Sala, director of Fantastic Film Festival Sitges will put it in trial project to serbian film festival, or as prohibited Saw 6) paradoxically in a socialist government in Spain (Are not they the liberals, the permissive and tolerant?) films and ARE are like a breath of hope and fresh air.
Spain has always been a country Very free and tolerant of the fantasy and horror films (Hell if you even made porn Carmen de Mairena and the poison) and now instead of forward, is back. What is the future in freedom of expression and personality to make movies?
The punishment of the father is amazing too. The man rolled up in his hand a VHS videotape savagely and struck the head of the actress-daughter. I've seen the scene repeated over a dozen times, with slow motion, etc ... I conclude that the VHS tape is real, soft plastic is not, nor is padded, and the head of the actress has hidden under the hair protection. The actor really hit the head of the actress, in an impressive scene. That Ladies and gentlemen, are actors.
As you go looking, the film is similar to The Castle of Purity, yet very different, has its own personality and a different approach. Thing that makes it very noticeable too.
highly recommend this film which has great quality, is sick and exudes a fascination for all four sides.
a brilliant film.
My answer is yes, a lot. This is a new version - remake or homage of Mexican film made in ... Greece!
amazing thing the issue is that the film has competed for the Oscar for best foreign film in 2011. And that's not all: the film won awards at the Cannes, Montreal and Dublin.
should not detract from the merit of this film, which is a lot. Far from being a mechanical copy of the original Mexican version is filled with personality and many balls.
But I think there must be objective when ... What came first, the chicken or the egg?
Read this reflection of mine who has quite sensibly. The story actually happened (I explained in the review of The Castle of Purity) and is AWESOME. Whether that alone should be sufficient to inspiring movies.
Therefore, one would think that Dogtooth is directly based on the true story, and I think not. Why? In real history had five children at home, and the Mexican film two girls and a boy. This Greek film is like the Mexican one son and two sisters. Coincidence?
This film is posed differently. Instead of the father in the neighborhood sell rat poison in secret, in this film the father is the manager of a factory located on the outskirts of a city. This is a man of great economic position does not require their children to work.
The children and mother live in a huge mansion fenced in the countryside, out of nowhere, which one easily accessed.
real In the original story a brother and sister incest maintained, which was shown in the Mexican film, taking into account the strict limits of 70 sensors.
Greek Instead this film wants to go further and for this, and not raise unnecessary controversy, there is incest, but instead all the sons and daughters are now adults, adults and not children.
The boy, already a big man is a hurricane of testosterone, so the parent understands that you have to cover their sexual urges as natural. Thereby allowing access from time to time monitor of factory workers to his mansion to have sex with her son.
She voluntarily prostitute themselves in exchange for favors and money in the company.
But the movie considers the component schizophrenic lunatic, and shows us a father who is mentally ill (as in the Mexican film and true story). But in this case, his madness is transferred to their children who are upset because of the isolation and the tight parental control for years and years.
The son has sex with his sisters, these in turn are lesbians and on the other hand, the tyrannical father has incestuous relations with one of his daughters.
Madness in the Mansion is multiplied three powerful additives.
One, the father teaches a different vocabulary to children. The pope said that the chairs are called Tues "I'm going to sit on the sea" or that the margaritas are zombies. "How beautiful are these zombies that are in the meadow" Dementia, right? The pun of the film, in that sense, it is unsettling, increased the sense of folly and unreality in the house.
Another additive is the punishment of the father. The viejote acts in an ultra-violent with their children. FLI-PAN-ET.
The third additive is as torture itself, the children at such a crazed and stressed panorma. Scrotumtightening scene of the scale in the bathroom.
Not only that, the film bet for crude and dirty realism, that more than one rate of obscene and unnecessary.
The father shows his genitals in a natural way. Who would not at home sitting on the couch with the balls in the air with his girlfriend or wife, who has her naked body next to her, while watching TV?
That's realism. People (when they have children or children) walk naked through the house. Van said the bedroom to the naked. When couples fuck or fucking, they sleep naked, and do not get up at midnight (as in a hundred thousand American films) and tapaditos dressed to the neck. What greater pleasure is to embrace and feel naked skin, the heat and smell of the woman you love, with your own body?
actresses show their pubes and genitals, and in one scene very powerful (some say porn) actress pulls the actor-brother, and we see his real erection. In the same sequence, without cutting plans, the actor and member spliced \u200b\u200btough (in a visible and obvious) is located on her sister-actress, with whom he copulates (hell, look like a talking cure. Nor do I remember that there was word copulation).
My question (seriously) is whether the two actors simulating sex or fuck of truth (would not surprise me the least and seeing the whole scene in focus. I hope to comment on it as a survey). POWERFUL
All that sexual charge of the film: naked sex scenes, real masturbation, incest, lesbianism, gore (look at the scene of the cat), etc ... reminds me of an egg, the irreverent and visceral film by Cuban Jorge Molina.
is nice to see that Cuba not only makes movies with balls, but also in Greece. At this time of censorship and inquisitors (now turns out that Angel Sala, director of Fantastic Film Festival Sitges will put it in trial project to serbian film festival, or as prohibited Saw 6) paradoxically in a socialist government in Spain (Are not they the liberals, the permissive and tolerant?) films and ARE are like a breath of hope and fresh air.
Spain has always been a country Very free and tolerant of the fantasy and horror films (Hell if you even made porn Carmen de Mairena and the poison) and now instead of forward, is back. What is the future in freedom of expression and personality to make movies?
The punishment of the father is amazing too. The man rolled up in his hand a VHS videotape savagely and struck the head of the actress-daughter. I've seen the scene repeated over a dozen times, with slow motion, etc ... I conclude that the VHS tape is real, soft plastic is not, nor is padded, and the head of the actress has hidden under the hair protection. The actor really hit the head of the actress, in an impressive scene. That Ladies and gentlemen, are actors.
As you go looking, the film is similar to The Castle of Purity, yet very different, has its own personality and a different approach. Thing that makes it very noticeable too.
highly recommend this film which has great quality, is sick and exudes a fascination for all four sides.
a brilliant film.
Names in other countries:
Canine Fang
Dente Canino
Disi Kopek
ناب عين
on canine
övre hörntand
יב בלסת העליוה

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