This film is truly unique for several reasons, which in turn makes it a extravagant weirdness.
structurally This film is like From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) by Robert Rodriguez and Tarantino. In this film there is a markedly violent first part in which two criminal brothers destroy everything in its path, and a second part, where the film hits a huge turn when the two criminals are caught in a slum full of vampires Mexican deriving the terror plot.
In this English film something similar happens: a band of criminals are wreaking havoc wherever they go. Kidnap, kill, rape, steal ... come on, what it takes. Evil and heartlessness of that group is amazing bastards until they end to the house of an old woman who stolen and burned alive.
The old in question is a witch who curses.
Escaping the gang of criminals in the fields for which there are no roadblocks, goes to an isolated spot where they find an abandoned church shelter. So a child who lives in a nearby house tells them that under the site there are some galleries ancient, medieval, where it is believed that he hid a treasure centuries ago. And that's where I can get ...
The film blends the fashionable English genre that time quinqui of neighborhood thugs, with films such as Stray dogs (1977), Stray Dog 2 (1979), the bull (1980), Navajeros (1980), Chocolate (1980 ) The home of the Rat (1980), etc ... with horror, pure and simple.
In this film there are ghosts, zombies, exploding heads, etc ...
The film written and directed by Juan Piquer Simon, is about dialogue Cheli canis or jargon, which are for shit. Only they see the movie deserves, guarantee unparalleled laughter. SOMETHING UNIQUE!
The English transition, between 1975 and 1982, the film as it was released and began to produce all kinds of material "prohibited" until then, as movie softcore, erotic, topless with a thousand, and of course, movies how are you filled with EXTREME violence, sex, terror and gore.
They were movies that wanted to break barriers and taboos in Spain, and this in particular is inspired in part by the Italian cinema of the late 80's, as New York under the terror of the zombies (1979) and Fear in the City of the Dead (1979).
The film does not have a big budget, but it has going for it:
A) The dialogue is priceless. All South American who wants to laugh at how far they can reach the English speaking crappy and scoundrel, please watch this film that will make shit of laughter.
B) The film is violent and has rhythm: no action to get from here to there.
C) In the film, things are always happening, so it is pretty entertaining as far as it goes.
D) has a final shock to me very nice and tricky, but it has its point.
in all it is a great film. It is no wonder worthy of being lauded with thirty medals, but it is a film so outrageous and crazy, which made me very enjoyable.
The dialogues are unforgettable. We will never see anything like it again in English cinema. RECOMMENDED
homeless complex.
Names in other countries: Au-delà
of Terror Terror Beyond
إلى ما بعد ذعر
over terrorism
在 恐怖 之外
By terror
voorbij verschrikking
Terrorismin ulkopuolelle
πέρα \u200b\u200bαπό τον τρόμο
מעבר טרור
आतंक से परे
恐怖 を 越え て
공포 저쪽 에
Pose terror
alem do terror
Dincolo teroare
for Terror Out of Terrorism
det okändaskräck
Içerden terör
away from the horrible

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