Humans are like you and me, but the aliens are humanoid in appearance reptialianos and reproduce asexually, are as hermaphrodites.
We are witnessing a new version of Robinson Crusoe (Human) that interacts and befriends an Indian (the alien) in a hostile environment which is the island in the middle of nowhere (in this case a wild planet in the middle of nowhere, forgive the repetition).
But really I would say that the author drew inspiration for his novel in the film Hell in the Pacific (1968) directed by John Boorman in which an American (Lee Marvin) and a Japanese soldier (Toshiro Mifume) are their fate on a desert island and eventually become comrades, after being initially enemies.
a wonderful film (Hell in the Pacific - Hell in the Pacific) and that from here recommend, without using a lot of imagination if carried the context of science fiction, changing into Japanese by an alien and the island lost planet, this would result in my enemy.
But in terms of my enemy comes to the story of a huge commercial disaster.
The film began filming in 1984 with director Richard Loncraine in front, which apparently was poor shooting, slow and low quality. Was dismissed when he had spent $ 9 million, and then hired the German Wolfgang Petersen, who redefined the entire film from beginning to end.
entry changed the makeup of the dracs (the aliens), the production moved from Budapest to Munich, and chose to Lanzarote, one of Canary Islands to shoot natural volcanic field.
Petersen's film was estimated to cost about $ 23 million on an initial budget of 17. But those 23 you can sum the 9 of Loncraine, plus 8 for production and marketing costs. At the end of the movie came out to the tune, I speak of those years, 40 million dollars.
The Fox acknowledged publicly that the film would not give money because they simply would not happen that. They were aware that the film would be a commercial failure for its high cost (more than double the initial budget) and subjects.
In fact the film was savaged by critics generally considered that the stupid, slow, dull, hollow, etc ...
The film only grossed 12 million in U.S. theaters.
interesting thing about this film is that war stories away from space and color laser sabers and talking about moral values \u200b\u200band humanity. It is a film that revolves around friendship, companionship, of being above the Issues to differences of race, creed or politics.
film is quite beautiful and different, with excellent performances from Dennis Quaid and Louis Gosset Jr (with alien) that was previously very popular in 1982 for his role in the movie Officer and a Gentleman, that of military starring Richard Gere.
name in other countries:
Enemy Mine - Geliebter Feind
Il mio nemico
Inimigos Meu
Kedves ellenségem
Mój ukochany wróg
Muj nepritel
O ehthros Rudnik Os Inimigos
Vihollisen armoilla
第 5 惑星
Враг мой
에너미 마인
Моя враг
我 的 敌人
Minun vihollinen
mijn mon ennemi mein Feind
אויב שלי
मेरी शत्रु-सम्पत्ति
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