My grandfather, if he were alive today would be serving 85 years.
Yes, because the old was true for the new year.
Since he was new years are not the same.
Before, it was sooo different. We met the whole family in a house, generally that of fathers (or mine) guys arrived from the south, with cousins \u200b\u200bwe had not seen in a year to stay rental 1 month. It was great. I expected. past the new year would be playing on the beach for 30 beautiful days ...
but New Year's Day was special: cousins \u200b\u200bplaying in the yard until we called to eat. The best thing was stolen salami on the table, or some of the goodies that were ready, causing the wrath of the mothers and aunts, who had been all day making beautiful dishes highly decorated for children's hands full of earth and sweat, stole the salami, ham and cheese cubes, leaving all disarmed ..
Ah! and always had cake. that could not miss. Obviously, if it was the birthday of the old. And you could always finger in the cream and chupertear a little ...
warbler That day we had free to go to bed very late, well it was hot, so nobody was above saying "Get a life you're going to get sick"
The adults spent pig, they took his sips and We let the kids quiet, do leseras.
The lateral part was the hugs. I liked to hug my mom, my grandparents and my aunt Pury. No one else. But we had to embrace and be besuquear for the whole family. between kisses, we watched with my cousins \u200b\u200bface disgust. The one that always saved my cousin was younger, because as she was the youngest, ran a play and had to understand because is little one " However if i am doing something similar happened to me a voice thunder sounded like my back "and therefore, my child, do not be rude, come to embrace his uncle ... plop!
cake and happy birthday was quite an event. It was the second round of hugs, but all the father. I wanted to be always the first to embrace it, but can not remember if I got it. I think not. Anyway it was fun because the old man became very nervous with such demonstration of affection and with his face red with embarrassment Nervis said giggling "ji, ji, and, therefore, ji, ji, thanks,"
That "and" sounded like "ready to go next, to end this thing quickly,"
tata And the cake! years later, when I was a teenager, the tata learned to make bread and Easter cake.
Then for every important occasion of family type, the nanny was sent "two separate cakes" that we enjoyed as 1 month or so (we ended up leaving the cake ears due to the size of it)
I should clarify that in my life I have never eaten more delicious cakes such.
And I miss ... Uf! how much would be back to eating those delicious things that prepared the potato and they had a special flavor to family, home.
course, now nothing is the same.
Tata is not the grandmother with Alzheimer's, the guys and do not travel to celebrate, the other guys, let alone ... whole family split, I recently separated ...
The new year now with my mom, my stepfather and a smell of sadness and lack of households.
My cousin is in Santiago with his family and invited us to dinner tonight. We will only 5 adults and 2 children (his children)
I do not know why I thought that the story begins to repeat itself again. I wanted to imagine that everything is similar, but now the kids are others and we ... adults. It occurred to me also that within a few years, the children of my cousin, will have other cousins \u200b\u200bwho have fun for New Year ... my children.
And maybe it's my uncle Julian tata (father of my cousin)
Yesterday, after cleaning patio, bathed and out walking the dogs ...
dressings appeared among some old cake recipe.
the cake RECIPE OF TATA, written in his own handwriting!
surprise, surprise, reading, tenderness, were flooded on.
Then I stood in the middle of the yard and cried her eyes out.
I cried because I miss him, because it is his birthday
because their cakes are unforgettable ...
And now after the tears, smiles and amazement, the recipe in hand, I can only share it as he wrote it. With all its peculiarities and language so special. share as faithfully as it comes out on the paper.
For all
for anyone,
so you never miss,
for renewal of tradition, and is continuing,
to remain a family that flavor we all need.
The magic of the cyclic life sometimes envelops me and takes me more than a smile.
... My family.
margarine or butter (does not say how much .. . but I cacho than 1 / 4)
2 cups sugar zest of 2 oranges
a splash of alcohol and substance (does not say what, but my nanny had vanilla is always in the fridge. As for liquor, or idea)
6 cups flour with baking powder.
1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder 2 handfuls of raisins
2 handfuls of nuts 2 cups milk 4 teaspoons liquid
cocoa powder dissolved in water
6 eggs, beaten until stiff with their yolk
Mix sugar with margarine
add everything else (my nanny was a simple man ...)
"Cosimiento" (ie cooking)
10 minutes and 50 high flame to low.