Saturday, October 21, 2006

Golk Tournament Flyer Template

A lot to ask? Lessons

Today, I do not know why I woke up with Cristina and the Underground stuck in the skin ...
I can not hum a song, which is almost a revelation at this point in my life.

That in its My arms feel a little girl,
smile, to lie and swallow my pain.
That shake my bed like an animal and
morning me a little more.

Not too bad,
very good and if it makes me gifts,
not cost you money ...

Someone to care for me,
want to kill me and kill me ..

coolest I do not want that do not bring a penny,
or ugly guys with a great job, that
I do not want drunkards, nor madmen,
or a mess that makes me mourn. Neither

Lost Boys,
mom looking for
types or very fine,
then you give.

Someone to care for my
want to kill me and kill me ...

be that there is a human being, male with these characteristics??

very demanding?


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