Wonderful animated series that remains in my memory with great affection.
a child upon a time the man was a cartoon series that left me spellbound. In an educational, enjoyable and very entertaining you recounted many stories of human civilization, important historical events and the chronology of events, defined as civilization evolved and how certain events, movements and characters influenced the rest of the world.
exciting thing is that nothing was invented and it was all real, so it shows the greatness of man's history, its diversity and its magnitude.
This spin off, starring the same characters from Once upon a time man, was composed of 26 episodes, in that key science fiction, in the year 3023 that is a good intergalactic federation composed of many alien species, and off she Cassiopeia, a kind terribly bellicose, and possessing a unique Starfleet combat.
a child I was fascinated by shark shaped craft, which sketched a thousand times, in books, books, notebooks, paper, etc ...
was funny because in a folio drew aside large and small vessels of one side to another side as well but Cassiopeia, and after carefully drawing dozens of ships, in turn developed a battle in which I drew laser beams that shoot each other hundreds of scratches of a pen, some gave in white, others broke down the guns and ships or other ships destroyed.
drew on the ship then a tremendous explosion that looked like a pintorrojeada the chalice, and finally, after a while after a pile of explosions, and fuck I do not even how much ink pen, a fact sheet below the absolute shit.
Actually I spent the bomb making those war stories of spaceships, but now I think it's a shame not dajara Alive and at least one of those pages full of ships, but without destroying them.
The good thing once upon a time the space is that kids like me loved: the adventures, the atmosphere sci-fi, the Martians, futuristic designs, etc ... And adults also liked the series because they were entertaining, that nothing was an insult to intelligence.
The series consisted of frames in most cases autoconclusivas in each episode: it was from the Machu-pichi, the destruction of Atlantis, the super-population, the solutions to the impact of a meteor in the Earth, mythology and the gods, intolerance, equality, etc ... And even were allowed to parody a character as popular as it was Goldorak in France in the late 70's.
For just one example ... The protagonists fall into one of the first episodes of a race of huge reptiles intelligent humanoids, which seem about equivalent to the cavemen of our species.
But these beings communicate with each other and humans through mind: they have telepathic powers.
powerful thing is that explaining his story to have intelligent reptiles that had a problem with some aggressive crocodiles that threaten the species. The solution? Exterminate them all.
words, the series presents the idea that to a great danger that threatens the survival of a species, it is logical and legitimate rival to the species extinct.
These reptiles are multiplying rapidly as they did at one point math, and given the size the world in which they live, overpopulation would bring punishment, war, famine, disasters, etc ... As themselves (as are currently in China) limit the issue of birth. Topics
and interested adults, and children were very interesting and we gave food for thought.
All frames have a continuous and extensive subplot behind, sometimes more present in some episodes than others, and some nothing, which gets terribly Cassiopeia warlike, aggressive and decides to go for the eggs to the confederation Earth to be the masters of everything, tyrannical plan. Come on, something like the Empire in The War of the galaxies.
The confederation has only four large intergalactic spacecraft to meet Cassiopeia, so they are really lost.
to all this there is a third faction of androids, robots and such, which in principle were built by man, but then evolved independently in secret until he became very powerful and intelligent.
So much so that after multiple episodes decide to take control of everything, to enslave all extraterrestrial races including humans, and take a fleet of warships attack.
So powerful is that in a terrible battle, the humanoid robot fleet reduced to ashes Cassiopeia, demonstrating the power they have, outside all middle and impossible to be addressed.
How's all over? Androids can be arrested in any way?
I leave in abeyance ... Give him a chance to the series, which you have not seen, because it is science fiction of good.
spacecraft designs, scenes, etc ... were made by Philippe Bouchet of the French illustrator, known as Manchu. With 25 years made all the illustrations in Once upon a time space, demonstrating that his talent and quality as illustrated was and is amazing. SUPER-Series
I hope this post fill you with fond memories to those who like me, in their time were the number of kids.
a child upon a time the man was a cartoon series that left me spellbound. In an educational, enjoyable and very entertaining you recounted many stories of human civilization, important historical events and the chronology of events, defined as civilization evolved and how certain events, movements and characters influenced the rest of the world.
exciting thing is that nothing was invented and it was all real, so it shows the greatness of man's history, its diversity and its magnitude.
This spin off, starring the same characters from Once upon a time man, was composed of 26 episodes, in that key science fiction, in the year 3023 that is a good intergalactic federation composed of many alien species, and off she Cassiopeia, a kind terribly bellicose, and possessing a unique Starfleet combat.
a child I was fascinated by shark shaped craft, which sketched a thousand times, in books, books, notebooks, paper, etc ...
was funny because in a folio drew aside large and small vessels of one side to another side as well but Cassiopeia, and after carefully drawing dozens of ships, in turn developed a battle in which I drew laser beams that shoot each other hundreds of scratches of a pen, some gave in white, others broke down the guns and ships or other ships destroyed.
drew on the ship then a tremendous explosion that looked like a pintorrojeada the chalice, and finally, after a while after a pile of explosions, and fuck I do not even how much ink pen, a fact sheet below the absolute shit.
Actually I spent the bomb making those war stories of spaceships, but now I think it's a shame not dajara Alive and at least one of those pages full of ships, but without destroying them.
The good thing once upon a time the space is that kids like me loved: the adventures, the atmosphere sci-fi, the Martians, futuristic designs, etc ... And adults also liked the series because they were entertaining, that nothing was an insult to intelligence.
The series consisted of frames in most cases autoconclusivas in each episode: it was from the Machu-pichi, the destruction of Atlantis, the super-population, the solutions to the impact of a meteor in the Earth, mythology and the gods, intolerance, equality, etc ... And even were allowed to parody a character as popular as it was Goldorak in France in the late 70's.
For just one example ... The protagonists fall into one of the first episodes of a race of huge reptiles intelligent humanoids, which seem about equivalent to the cavemen of our species.
But these beings communicate with each other and humans through mind: they have telepathic powers.
powerful thing is that explaining his story to have intelligent reptiles that had a problem with some aggressive crocodiles that threaten the species. The solution? Exterminate them all.
words, the series presents the idea that to a great danger that threatens the survival of a species, it is logical and legitimate rival to the species extinct.
These reptiles are multiplying rapidly as they did at one point math, and given the size the world in which they live, overpopulation would bring punishment, war, famine, disasters, etc ... As themselves (as are currently in China) limit the issue of birth. Topics
and interested adults, and children were very interesting and we gave food for thought.
All frames have a continuous and extensive subplot behind, sometimes more present in some episodes than others, and some nothing, which gets terribly Cassiopeia warlike, aggressive and decides to go for the eggs to the confederation Earth to be the masters of everything, tyrannical plan. Come on, something like the Empire in The War of the galaxies.
The confederation has only four large intergalactic spacecraft to meet Cassiopeia, so they are really lost.
to all this there is a third faction of androids, robots and such, which in principle were built by man, but then evolved independently in secret until he became very powerful and intelligent.
So much so that after multiple episodes decide to take control of everything, to enslave all extraterrestrial races including humans, and take a fleet of warships attack.
So powerful is that in a terrible battle, the humanoid robot fleet reduced to ashes Cassiopeia, demonstrating the power they have, outside all middle and impossible to be addressed.
How's all over? Androids can be arrested in any way?
I leave in abeyance ... Give him a chance to the series, which you have not seen, because it is science fiction of good.
spacecraft designs, scenes, etc ... were made by Philippe Bouchet of the French illustrator, known as Manchu. With 25 years made all the illustrations in Once upon a time space, demonstrating that his talent and quality as illustrated was and is amazing. SUPER-Series
I hope this post fill you with fond memories to those who like me, in their time were the number of kids.
and otros nombres Países: Il était une fois
... Espace
Ai confini dell'universo
The conquest of space and motion
Det var ... Rymden
Egyszer volt ... Once upon a világür
... Once the space
... Es war Einmal
the universe ... der Weltraum
Patrol Ginga PJ
Olipa kerran Avarus
SU kemur tid
Byl sobie cosmos
Era Uma Vez O Espaço
Bu bir zamanlar Misali ... Uzay
มัน เป็น พื้นที่ อีก ครั้ง.
раз было Оно ... космос
Era odata ... spatiu
Została ona raz ... Przestrzeń kosmiczna
이었다 번 한 은 그것 ... 공간
space that was once ...
बार एक यह ... अंतरिख्र
פעם היה זה. חלל
κι φορά Μια καιρό έναν ... ο χώρος
it once was ... space
هو كان مرة ... فراغ

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