Sunday, March 9, 2008

Running Spikes Toronto

after love ...

Lying, still remembered the taste and smell of the room ...
golden skin had come with their eyes closed, closed
seeing in other ways,
to leave behind the thoughts and discontinued feel ..

skin, dark ... golden, soft.
The room that housed as many as them this time.

The urgency and calm,
emergency room waiting, the desire
content for the long absence ...
Calma, the weather was kind and stop watches
to prolong the moment.

laughing eyes, serious, profound, they were happening one after another ...
and kisses, ah! kisses,
still throbbed in her mouth, as the first
that continued shaking for weeks. Besos
exploring, seeking, they find, they deliver.

Man had ecstasy travel
every inch of her body ...
the intoxicated male his breath, his shoulders
cut by the dim light the place,
and golden skin, dark, flavored with desire.

Smiles .. no one can know.
Nothing and no one will take your pleasure, ecstasy,
the intensity, the secret.


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