Monday, June 16, 2008

Kidney Infection Off Work For Weeks

the miracle of life ... and is not cliché

There are people that motherhood comes out easy and natural. Sometimes without even trying, boom! coriórica human gonadotropin test positive. So, pregnancy. And there, just worry about the nausea and monthly checks until the moment of birth. Normal delivery or cesarean section and voila, baby in the house.

That's a blessing that not all women appreciate.

In my case?

... mmm

First attempt: July 2007.

All well until ops, unexplained pregnancy loss at 12 weeks. Grief, tears, etc.. everything involved in a situation like this.

Second attempt: in May 2008.

all right until exam week 7, which reads:

"High resistance of both uterine arteries."
In Castilian, high-risk pregnancy, better not fool yourself.

And here we are ... I have a "porotito" that is growing, it beats and measures 8 millimeters, but I can not delude ourselves because right now my arteries are not giving enough blood and oxygen to the embryo needs. Total

with the heart in her mouth, hoping to spend 3 months of increased risk ...

Unfair, no?
I wonder

what I have to learn all this?
What is wanting me mean life?
Am I prepared to be a mother?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Instructions For Knex Swing Ride


online with music, living and loving environment, he wrote ...


with your smile lights up everything,
with your eyes all embellish
with your hair that touches everything,
with your breasts all sweeten it,
with your insight that all questions ,
your innocence to discover everything,
and my love is all yours ...

And then, under that same spell, She said ...


The poem is in your hands, that convey warmth, tenderness, decision.
Your crystal eyes, naughty
reflects the purest of your soul.
discover you at every moment, every step
, with the fire beat on you, your smile
male child, big boy.

lost in your embrace,
like someone contemplating the universe loses ...
and meet and meet and meet ...

in the embrace as a refuge,

looks as message

a secret smile,

touches as food ...
and in the mornings and evenings,
in dreams and projects ...
You like landscape, you as a song, poem you like ...
Because the poem is you.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Xblades.serijal Number

and I'm going the 31 ... Desahogo

I remember when my mom turned 31. I was 11 and was a goat girl unbearable.
I remember that I said "Mami When I'm old like you ... "and became angry.

Now I am or I'll be in a few days" as old as she "and sometimes do not count very healthy, but could make a small balance or no?

The memory most dear chocolate ice cream that my grandfather bought me after school when I was little (6 or 7 years)

The most awaited moment: when I turned 15 and my mom gave me permission to smoke 1 cigarette a week (fee far exceeds the short term)

The worst days: Osorno. With everything and everyone. From my father to school, the streets, people. I had a terrible.
would save two things: 1
boyfriend: Hernán ... unforgettable

1 pair of friends who were forgotten but which I loved very much: Carla and Pamela .
The rest ... better leave it there, far, far away from my memory.

The first kiss: poof, I agree. And that they say do not forget the first kiss. I do not know if it was a Christian beautiful eye, or Carlos who lived next door , or thereabouts. In any case the two I liked and I was about 13 years ...

Timing sadder: the death of my grandfather ... by far. Sometimes I think that one never ceases to surprise.

The worst newsprint: after a stolen kiss, I started to hide in the bathroom ... how horrible, there was my honor and shame still with me . (Consider that it was a girl and not even a teenager, to warrant the reaction)

The biggest success: have won a competition "cock" when I was in second grade, Or first? ... I do not remember.

The greatest relief: my divorce. Too bad. Much I loved my ex . And I want it much yet, but our life together became unbearable. Maybe we can be better friends than partners. Time will tell.

My passion: the Biodanza. No more explanations. Simply wonderful. He gave a new meaning and impetus to my life. (and I and I Biodanza , enjoying the poetry of the human encounter)

The best party: new years we spent as kids with my cousins, uncles, my mom and my grandparents ... Thank

What: many thing, but today ..

A couple of friends, Ale, Cala, Sole, Pili
My mother, always support your infinite love,
Some blue eyes, looking at me with devotion ...

could go on ... and go on forever, until it is really old ...
my almost 31, I think balance is sufficient, at least for today.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Modern Cake Cutting Songs

Never remove a BANK CREDIT IN THE STATE ...

I owe a fucking weight over six months ago and I still pity I ordered 10 and paid

100 people bank, near the bank ... JA!

THAT DIME AND I'LL TELL boast that it lacks!!

Predatory DAMNED RAT!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Black Shoe String Licorice

duality ... a?

If things are so ... and Claudio says in his poem,
then ...

LUST ...


worst thing is that I enjoy ...
I love that pure and bad thing at a time ... Nothing but pure

what I feel and nothing forbidden ...

Santa lust ... damn purity ...


Pd. Greetings to your "mommy" instead of giving you the ritalin in the morning leaves you more power
... ufa, what a slap of reality ...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Running Spikes Toronto

after love ...

Lying, still remembered the taste and smell of the room ...
golden skin had come with their eyes closed, closed
seeing in other ways,
to leave behind the thoughts and discontinued feel ..

skin, dark ... golden, soft.
The room that housed as many as them this time.

The urgency and calm,
emergency room waiting, the desire
content for the long absence ...
Calma, the weather was kind and stop watches
to prolong the moment.

laughing eyes, serious, profound, they were happening one after another ...
and kisses, ah! kisses,
still throbbed in her mouth, as the first
that continued shaking for weeks. Besos
exploring, seeking, they find, they deliver.

Man had ecstasy travel
every inch of her body ...
the intoxicated male his breath, his shoulders
cut by the dim light the place,
and golden skin, dark, flavored with desire.

Smiles .. no one can know.
Nothing and no one will take your pleasure, ecstasy,
the intensity, the secret.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Zeb Atlas & Mark Dalton

Ahhh ...

" If the language, so austere
of cold
amid skyscrapers and European cities

out how to make love
between sounds,
or how to get me
between your hair ... "

other way ...

"persistent absence is called desire ...

and burn

and painful silence and despair ..."

I'm back ...