Each exchange cycle, each new challenge and uncertainty involved, is represented by the archetypal image of my friend ...

Many times in life we \u200b\u200bneed to start?
say every 7 years cycles on and start again. If life expectancy is around 84 years, then we are talking about at least 1 2 new beginnings.
That I would say is the minimum. As normal is that life is full of new beginnings, like nature, each spring.
The material, for example, might manifest with changes in house, changing jobs, cities, etc.
Some people live for many years of his life in one place. habemos others who live the cycles and changes quite often.
emotional thing has so many new beginnings as people pass through our lives. Lovers, friends, births and deaths of loved ones represent late and early. Here we certainly have more than 12 early.
The spiritual, inner world is affected and transformed into each new experience profound affect us both positively and negatively. And if things are Spiritually, and we listen, we can see the transformation everywhere.
If nothing is permanent,
if everything is dynamic
and everything is beginning and end
and constantly start and end ...
if we change things,
in a world of change,
in a world of change ...
then, what do we fear?
Because it's right there in the midst of change,
right in the middle of the mess and the hurricane's eye. Because
is not yet home, but left behind a view of the foregoing. Because
brings dose of adrenaline,
fear of the unknown
and strength to break the inertia and take steps for the new beginning ...
Because without the crazy ...
would not have discovered America,
would not have reached the moon, there would
or Biodanza, and Education,
or printing, or the wheel
perhaps even the fire ...
Because each new era is passing through the madman,
because each new stage of life is visited by the crazy,
that the crazy is this countries and changes of government, cities, societies and nature itself.
Because crazy is uncertainty, disorder, is ambiguity, however, is certainly is risk, is the end and beginning.
BUT .....
Who sees his crazy,
discover the movement of his life,
their own changes and processes. Discover
that movement gives certainty of life,
it is not standing water is constantly flowing river.
Who sees his crazy ,
can understand and feel the tingling sensation that runs through the skin against new, unknown
, challenges, variety.
Who discovers her crazy,
can feel the emotion and excitement that produces knowledge
soon, soon, soon ... veeeeery
left behind
known forms to start writing a new chapter in the history of life.
why I like the madman.
Because it's right there in the midst of change,
right in the middle of the mess and the hurricane's eye. Because
is not yet home, but left behind a view of the foregoing. Because
brings dose of adrenaline,
fear of the unknown
and strength to break the inertia and take steps for the new beginning ...
Because without the crazy ...
would not have discovered America,
would not have reached the moon, there would
or Biodanza, and Education,
or printing, or the wheel
perhaps even the fire ...
Because each new era is passing through the madman,
because each new stage of life is visited by the crazy,
that the crazy is this countries and changes of government, cities, societies and nature itself.
fleeing Why crazy?
Because crazy is uncertainty, disorder, is ambiguity, however, is certainly is risk, is the end and beginning.
BUT .....
Who sees his crazy,
discover the movement of his life,
their own changes and processes. Discover
that movement gives certainty of life,
it is not standing water is constantly flowing river.
Who sees his crazy ,
can understand and feel the tingling sensation that runs through the skin against new, unknown
, challenges, variety.
Who discovers her crazy,
can feel the emotion and excitement that produces knowledge
soon, soon, soon ... veeeeery
left behind
known forms to start writing a new chapter in the history of life.
the center of my personal crazy .... I smile.
A new era is coming ... the air is renewed.
A new era is coming ... the air is renewed.
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