the miracle of life ... and is not cliché
There are people that motherhood comes out easy and natural. Sometimes without even trying, boom! coriórica human gonadotropin test positive. So, pregnancy. And there, just worry about the nausea and monthly checks until the moment of birth. Normal delivery or cesarean section and voila, baby in the house.
That's a blessing that not all women appreciate.
In my case?
... mmm
First attempt: July 2007.
All well until ops, unexplained pregnancy loss at 12 weeks. Grief, tears, etc.. everything involved in a situation like this.
Second attempt: in May 2008.
all right until exam week 7, which reads:
"High resistance of both uterine arteries."
In Castilian, high-risk pregnancy, better not fool yourself.
And here we are ... I have a "porotito" that is growing, it beats and measures 8 millimeters, but I can not delude ourselves because right now my arteries are not giving enough blood and oxygen to the embryo needs. Total
with the heart in her mouth, hoping to spend 3 months of increased risk ...
Unfair, no?
I wonder
what I have to learn all this?
What is wanting me mean life?
Am I prepared to be a mother?