Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Sutton Spoons On Sales

oh go to the beach! oh! oh! oh! oh ... PERSONAL DEMAND THE MADNESS

... I'm getting ready bags ...

made a detailed list of what I bring,
another list of things to do before the trip,
another list of people that I visit before I go ...

and I made a LULO.

always trips me nervous ... but this in particular I have more neural than usual.

I travel outside my Chilito, for 3 weeks
I have no idea of \u200b\u200bthe time change,
or currency exchange,
or climate change ...
or whether that will change in my mood swings ...

By the way, took a picture of the virgin (ie aircraft warrants)
my notebook, Kleenex

and camera.

and wanted to lie with wadding in the sun on Uruguayan beaches .. .

I leave on Saturday early morning early, and return on March 2 ... (meeeedio trip!)
promise to post some photos of the trip ... and for now, enjoy your holiday. While

So ... I will be making sand castles, sun-kissed

and occasionally let the waters of the Atlantic kiss my feet ...

Hasta La Vista Baby!

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... Santi, I owe the post. These days I have no head to spin many ideas ... On my return I get a day ..