Closing ... 10 step
I look at my house. Alone. Sometimes dark, others bright.
always at peace.
First step: I wash the clothes
.. all.
Sheets, towels.
spaces need to clean, eliminate odors and flavors.
What is not understood,
is that is will not get "the dirt"
only draw energy from one another,
no longer live in my home, my life, my heart.
Second step:
clean and tidy bathroom. Eliminated
toothbrushes that do not belong to me,
shaving cream, deodorant, dental floss.
appear conquered new space is not my mess.
There will be time for that.
Third step: The
photographs. Perhaps this is the hardest part.
are so many memories and illusions that reflects our faces,
that part hurts.
that will not burn or break.
I have no value for that. Only
sack of view. I keep them in another place outside the home.
Why? I do not know. Perhaps
that years later, his heart more spare
have the courage to get rid of them permanently.
The excuse I have is that the pictures are not just us.
There are also family, friends and others who want to remember. But I have
clear that they are just excuses.
Step Four:
Clean the study. Saco
books that are not mine,
notes with other letters, journals
personal development that does not interest me
notes of a career that I studied, but almost
judging from all the sleepless nights, all texts I read,
all jobs in which I participated.
Step Five:
Sort, clean, throw all that I do not drink,
eliminate what I like about what there is.
A legacy: good food.
thanks: the vegatarianismo.
course not so extreme. There is no national holiday pies.
I have no problem with exceptions. I'm not militant.
Step Six: Cut
to what unites us yet. No more self
no more calls or emails,
no more conversations about nothing.
Each with your choice ...
And mine is far from what is hurting me,
and that includes the proximity of a being that pertecene to the past.
Step Seven: Clean
This does not hurt, but it costs. Fill
shared moments that are now empty. Grin
of loneliness and to welcome to friends. Schedule
weekends, holidays and evenings of entertainment, not to give space
"Longing for what?
of everyday life, the feeling of Sunday afternoon,
in pajamas, sharing ... I do not know, maybe just
home. The report
time daily working lunches
families, leisurely breakfast on Saturday.
beginning to understand that one is contained in the other
too often.
Eighth step: Clean
suddenly discover that she was not ill, or neurotic.
That I can sing, because I like
without fear that another bothersome.
That I can speak my mind without fear of being disqualified,
I can show affection without fear of abuse.
Suddenly, I find that I am quite proud of me, I do not want to change
because I have nothing to be different from what I am.
Because I like the way I am.
does not need a psychologist to try to convince me of something
do not believe.
That break was an act of survival, self-care
have to be healthy and be strong, to make a decision.
Ninth step: Clean
I release myself and wipe my heart.
of pain, heartbreak, bounce.
I wash my wounds, I do not disloyalty, and love by halves.
not my language, and I do not understand it hurts.
Perhaps, this cleanup is the most important of all.
tears I clean, I clean my need to flee,
clean me the feeling of being a tiny point of no value.
clean I feel abused and frightened girl.
I clean the ironies of overlapping attacks.
And I find that I am friendly, lovable, desirable, cuddly,
more than I ever imagined.
And I find that I like, and I would not settle for less.
Tenth step:
I prepare.
Because life goes on, I prepare.
This time, rather than mourn, my net patch, patch
my soul, and get ready for love.
I have something to offer who knocks at my door ...
I want to discover and experience love, freely
without wounds of the past without fear, or resentment.
I prepare, because I realize the world is full of people
lovable, kind, desirable,
that I understand what loyalty, love, for companionship.
Because what I heard so many times that nobody would want me as much as ...
or finding it was not better than someone else ...
Not true.
So I prepare.
... fix my hair, I look in the mirror, I do mimes,
smile because it is the beginning ...
"Total ... everything is beginning in the mountains"